Kaltura Training

Explore how-to guides and tutorials to help access and operate Kaltura Video Cloud Platform. Note that some of the resources were designed by K-12 school systems or universities and may include internal branding and processes in addition to general guidance.

For additional support on design and trouble-shooting, check out the Kaltura Knowledge Center and UNH Kaltura Knowledge Base

New to Kaltura?

Check out the following resources to explore how you can use Kaltura within your school or SAU, including its integration with Canvas and Zoom:
Welcome to Kaltura

Canvas, Zoom, and Kaltura: Better Together (video)

Recording and Publishing Media

Set up your account, explore how to record using Zoom or Kaltura Capture, and learn how to publish your Kaltura media in a Canvas course.

Managing Media

Review how to navigate your own videos in My Media and explore student involvement using Kaltura analytics. If your school has access to MediaSpace, consider how to manage your "school's YouTube channel."

NOTEAlthough Kaltura Analytics can provide useful insight into media views and engagement, it is not recommended to use them as a tool for grading student attendance or participation. Kaltura Analytics are impacted by ad-blockers and anti-virus software and may not fully and accurately capture student participation.

Supporting Student Success

Edit your videos in Kaltura Editor, support accessibility using captioning, and develop interactive quizzes to engage and assess student work.